Volunteer Safety Info


  • The safety of the rescue crews and that of the competing skippers and crews is the most important factor in your rendering assistance. In any situation where you have to make a decision between boats and human life, Human life must come first.

  • Rescue craft to either tow boats ashore or abandon boats after tagging then radio communication.

  • Do not however put your own life at risk to render assistance. Call for help.

  • Zero Alcohol and drug reading at all times whilst afloat.

  • Skipper and crew to stay with boat.

Rescue Boat Crew


•          Immediately it becomes apparent that a sailor has not surfaced and may be entrapped, direct all efforts towards righting the yacht to bring the sailor to the surface.

•          When the sailor has been brought to the surface, use sharp knives to cut sheets, trampoline, harnesses etc and bolt / wire cutters to cut rigging to release the trapped sailor.

Safety Levels on the Race Course

Safety Status

•          Safety Level 1 - General patrol and rescue

•          Safety Level 2 - Standby

•          Safety Level 3 - Abandon races

•          Safety Level 4 - Outside assistance required

PRO is responsible for declaring and managing an emergency on the course.
or abandonment.

Emergency Communications

•          Need to be clear and specific when a boat or person is missing

Boat – refer to type of boat and sail number

Person – use name

•          Do not refer to a boat by the crew’s name